The fastest method to be equal to a translation is to use our online language translator which deals with 65 foreign languages. A rich base of vocabulary permits it to translate not just words but also phrases and sentences. For example, a German to English translation online can be done in just 5 seconds or even less. You just need to type and launch its work by pressing one key. The translation will be done automatically and without any additional actions.
The German translation online provided by our tool is of a high quality which also will depend on the starting text that you type. Any mistakes or slang words will put obstacles in the way of its translating, so avoid using such words to get a qualitative and quick translation. Use our quick language translator and translate to German online and gratis, because any translation is free of charge and you are able to do it at any time.
The online German to English translator can be very useful in many situations. For example, except translating services, it may be used for improving your language skills or enriching vocabulary, or you may use it as a pocket dictionary that will be irreplaceable while traveling somewhere or just at work or studying.